How to clean the gallbladder?

¿Cómo depurar la vesícula biliar?
Have you ever thought you ever need to debug the gallbladder? This small organ located near the liver, helps us to clean our intestine and improving our digestion so it is worthwhile to know how we should care, and how to debug it so no you sick. Discover it.

How to know if my gallbladder needs to be purged?

Gallbladder undertakes emulsify fats and keep clean our intestine, all of this help us to that it is in good condition avoiding for example calculations in this body. We must remember that it is also here that stores bile produced liver cells, where, then, leads to the duodenum to help make the digestion and digesting food well.
As well, keep in mind the following factors to warn that our gallbladder begins to fail:
  • Suddenly, we begin to Digest bad food dairy, coffee, egg, red meat, fatty or fried fish in general.
  • A curious thing to keep in mind: our digestion is made more difficult when it's cold, and even we suffer more stress during menstruation.
  • Slow digestion, gas, burping and reflux...
  • We spent days in which we are suffering diarrhea or constipation and sometimes nausea.

Key for debugging the gallbladder

Well, firstly have to remember that the main problem that will undergo gallbladder is to ignite it in case of being intoxicated. All this will make that essential for digestion, bile, do not synthesize properly and do not pour into the duodenum for digestion. I.e. If we eat poorly, if we have bad habits of life, all this will gradually begin to store toxins and that it could not meet its basic functions. It is therefore essential that we take note of the following tips:

1. how to prevent gallstones

Gallstones, obstructing the bile duct and it can cause very severe and painful inflammatory pathologies. It is essential therefore that we know how to clean it regularly to avoid these small stones.
  • Infusion of artichokes: excellent and wonderful. We all know the great cleansing virtues of the artichokes. Are often used to clean toxins, protect the liver, as well as for to eliminate fats. It is an easy way of taking care of our digestive system. How to prepare then? It is very easy. Simply Cook an artichoke. We will put enough water to cover, and cook it until it is well soft. This water is what we are going to take us along for a day, and mainly after meals. We can consume resulting artichoke for dinner with a little olive oil. If we do that at least 10 days each month, we will be caring for not only our gallbladder, promote the creation of bile and take care of the cells that form it, but also our health in general.
  • Infusion of dandelion. Take it ever? It is without doubt one of infusions classic to cure the gallbladder. In addition, it is able to increase the secretion of bile between 2 to 4 times. Excellent isn't it? Ideal for example if you take it every day after your main meal. One teaspoon with their flowers, leaves to boil along with a cup of water and takes little by little.

2 keep you hydrated

Say what you constantly in our space: essential to consume at least two litres of water a day. This helps us to debug, eliminate toxins, to facilitate the work of all our bodies... If you see that it costs you a little drink two litres of water, a good strategy is to put it to you in small bag bottles whenever you leave home. If you add a little bit of lemon juice it will be easier

3. Green tea

Wonderful antioxidant, undoubtedly one of the best. But did you know that it is also a great ally of the gallbladder and liver? So it is, helps to debug it, to stimulate the production of bile, protects it and reduce any inflammation. Don't take it for example daily average late... There is nothing more healthy and pleasant. To who doesn't like a good te green?

4. adequate food for gallbladder purge

It would be very appropriate that you included in your diet these foods, natural elements that will not only help look after your gallbladder, but also your liver:
  • Alfalfa: This cereal has the property of clean and purify the liver and gallbladder. To take advantage of it you don't have rather than add a teaspoon of alfalfa seeds ground in a glass of water and drink once daily, preferably at breakfast. You can even add alfalfa sprouts to your salads. Do you think it is easy?
  • Olive oil and lemon: May it seem you something strange, but are sure that by combining both foods you will manage a natural remedy to eliminate gallbladder stones, and take care of their health in general. Takes note of how to do it: Mix 3 tablespoons olive oil with the lemon juice. We will take it before going to sleep, and after lifting us help you debug the gallbladder, you don't forget it.
  • Beet and Apple: We love, and there is nothing more pleasant and healthy. Beet and natural Apple Juice contain substances natural to reduce the inflammation of the gallbladder. To prepare it you don't just Peel an Apple and a beet and then take them to the Blender along with a glass of water. Do not you add sugar and take it in the morning. And if you add a bit of Brewer's yeast, you will have a wonderful supplement to care for even more of your bladder and your liver.
Follow these simple remedies and cares for your health in general.
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