How to assemble a "natural" first aid kit

Cómo armar un botiquín de primeros auxilios “natural”
Surely you know the main elements that should be in a conventional first aid kit: gauze, dressings, bandages, alcohol, peroxide, etc. But, did you know that you can build a natural for all types of wound Kit? Do not hesitate to learn it in the next article.

Elements that should not miss on a natural first aid kit

You can prepare it to leave at home, to go on vacation, for the office or the club. "Remedies" that are placed in this kit have the ability to treat or heal wounds, discomfort or headaches that appear suddenly. Take a look at this kit natural, full and effective:

Liqueur valerians

It has a lot of properties, for example, act as a sedative, relieve anxiety, stress and insomnia, as well as tambieon relieve mild pain in the body.

Eucalyptus oil

It is a potent antibiotic and antiviral, a wonderful treatment for sinusitis and colds. Used to do inhalations boiling diluted water vapor or as massage oil on the chest of the patient (also diluted in a bit of warm water).
Aceite de oliva-remedios

Hamamelis extract

The benefits of this natural remedy are really interesting. For example, it serves as an antiseptic, astringent and anti-inflammatory. It is perfect to relieve irritated skin , and when the insects bite children. Always applied topically (external).

Arnica cream

It is able to ease the pain when we hit. Arnica has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and is used for muscle pain, sprains, strains, and contusions. It is necessary to apply on the skin when there is a blow, but not on a wound.

Essential lemon oil

Consume some drops diluted in tea or water will allow you to renew the energy after a day of hard work and activities. You gone mental fatigue and is good for use with aromatherapy, by a body massage techniques or on the sides of the temple (always be should be diluted in water so it does not irritate the skin).
Aceite limon

Tea tree essential oil

It is good to cure athlete's foot and herpes. You can put a drop on the fingertip and apply on the affected area either dilute with any other type of oil (recommended olive or almond) for larger areas.

Aloe vera gel

It serves for wounds and burns, either by the Sun or by the fire. Ideal to take to summer camp, for example, or to have in the kitchen. Leaves run cold water over the area burned (if there are no breaks in the skin), dry with a clean towel and then apply the gel.

Lavender essential oil

It eliminates the headache. Place a drop of this oil in each of the finger index and massage the temples in a circular motion and exerting a slight pressure.

Chamomile flower

It is good for irritated eyes, conjunctivitis, indigestion and pain in stomach, due to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Make an infusion with a spoonful of flowers per cup of boiling water. If it is to apply to the eyes, leaving it to a little temple temperature and then moisten a cotton.
Manzanilla (2)

Calendula petals

It is healing and antiseptic, serves to clean open wounds. Make an infusion with a spoonful of petals per cup of boiling water. Let stand for a few minutes and clean the wound with a bit of gauze. Not recommended a cotton so there are no particles into the skin and can become infected. If possible, a material that does not off lint.

Sage leaves

In addition to be used in gastronomy, the Sage leaves have a powerful antiseptic to relieve sore throats. Make an infusion with a tablespoon of leaves in a cup of boiling water. Let tuning and practice gargle several times a day.

Thyme leaves

Other seasoning for cooking but good home remedy. It is antiseptic to the chest area, helping to treat bronchitis. He is an infusion with a tablespoon of leaves per cup of boiling water. Let stand a few minutes, strain and drink.


It helps in the case of travel, for those people who are head spin by the movement of the vehicle. Ingesting very thin slices of ginger , sweetened an hour before you get to the car or to the first symptom of dizziness on the boat is a great help. It also serves to facilitate the digestion.
Aumentar metabolismo jengibre

Mint essential oil

It should be diluted in a vegetable oil to prevent it to irritate the skin (is very strong). It serves to treat headache and Migraines strong, applying at the base of the scalp and doing massage. At the same time, it is a vasoconstrictor, relieving tired legs; It has anti-inflammatory properties, and can be applied in the case of hemorrhoids, inflammation, bumps, bruises And clears the respiratory tract such as eucalyptus (make puffs of steam with a few drops of both oils).

Geranium essential oil

It is not only good for various beauty treatments, but it can also be used to burn cases, since it regenerates tissues quickly. Combined with Rosehip oil improves its effectiveness. It is also a powerful sedative, placing a drop on the pillow or home diffuser, since it relaxes the nervous system.


Licorice tea is very effective for sore throat due to its mucilage properties that relieve symptoms of throat dry, ideal for sites with many environmental pollution. Also serves as a digestive after a meal.
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