How to recognize a disease of the thyroid gland. Will it affect my quality of life? We solve your doubts and you have everything you need to know

The thyroid is a gland that has the shape of a small butterfly, located right in the neck, over the trachea. This gland plays a role very important in the body, which is responsible for regulating metabolism and each of its activities. It is responsible for producing hormones that control the speed with which burn calories and the rhythm of the heart beat. In addition, it is a producer of protein and regulates the sensitivity of the body to other hormones.

Hypothyroidism is a thyroid disease that occurs when the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormones. As a consequence, the metabolism slows down and the person begins to suffer a lot of health problems that affect their quality of life.
The way in as hypothyroidism affects the body may vary from case to case and according to the degree in which the disease is. Alterations in health which produces include:
- Exhaustion or weakness
- Weight gain or obesity.
- Lack of appetite
- Change or disorder in menstrual periods
- Lack of sexual desire
- Feeling of cold
- Constipation
- Muscle aches
- Swelling around the eyes
- Brittle nails
- Hair loss
Hyperthyroidism is just the opposite. This occurs when the thyroid gland produces hormones in excessive and exaggerated the pace of metabolism. Although we can paderecer that speed up the metabolism is fine by the amount of weight that lowered, the truth is that this disorder can cause very serious health problems.As in the previous case, the way in as it influences the body varies depending on the person and each symptom may occur depending on the extent of the disease.
- Exhaustion
- Weight loss
- Nervousness
- Accelerated heartbeat
- Increased sweating
- Feeling of warmth
- Changes in menstrual periods
- More frequent bowel movements
- Tremors
Thyroid disease and quality of life

Whatever the thyroid disease are suffering from, it is very important to consult a doctor for a diagnosis and a good treatment. (L)to thyroid disease can interfere with quality of lifegradually, until you reach a point that affects the person's health and prevents that this can do their activities with normalcy.
In the case of hypothyroidism it is very important to change completely the habits and adopt a healthy lifestyle that allows you to control the disease, especially by excessive weight gain. In this case healthy nutrition and diet play a very important role.
For its part, in the hyperthyroidism is required a special diet prescribed by a nutritionist, since in this case the iodine consumption should be limited, since it is a substance that the thyroid gland uses to produce hormones.
This disease experts say that there is no concrete ways to prevent some type of thyroid disease. However, they insist that a balanced diet, exercise and healthy habits can be an important factor in reducing the risk of having a thyroid problem in the future. Likewise, once a thyroid diseaseis diagnosed, it is important to continue regular medical supervision to prevent this causing serious disruptions in the body.
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