Beware! 5 mistakes can cause you insomnia

When you go to bed, try to change your check email from the mobile by a good book of paper for not over-stimulate your brain
¡Cuidado! 5 errores que cometes y que te ocasionan insomnio
How many times a month you have problems sleeping? Is it somewhat recurrent insomnia in your life? You start to take your lack of sleep-related problems throughout the day? If so, it is necessary to start to take action.
A deep and restorative break offers quality of life and enough energy to cope with our journey, something essential in our day to day. However, we must realize that, sometimes, we make mistakes that, without knowing it, sobreexcitan our brain and our bodies, preventing us from get a proper rest at night.
Today in our space we invite you to find out what those bad habits that cause us insomnia. Do not miss it!

1 I have to sleep, I need to sleep...

This is a very common phenomenon and worth worth having in mind. We will start getting a simple example to make you understand it: you come home late and you have since you do a myriad of things to do that you need to have finished for the next day. When you finish, you realize that it is too late.
You go to bed and close your eyes while inside verbalizas that's "I have to sleep now or I can not rest long enough to find me good morning". do you know what always happens in these cases? That we stay awake more hours.
Our brain needs to 'disconnect' and relax, at least two hours before bedtime. If we focus your attention on one thing and so obsessive, elevate stress , whereupon it will not relax. Solution? Tries to do anything that causes you anxiety before going to sleep. Finish your homework two hours before going to bed and then you pick up a book, it distracts your mind. Sleep will come little by little.

2. erroneous schedules

Our body needs habits, routines, guidelines that regulate its basic functions, such as food and sleep cycles. What does it mean? That can not lie down today at 10 pm and tomorrow at 1 in the morning. Tries to take a pattern and stable hours.
Ideally, dinner two hours before going to sleep, to give so time to our body to make digestion. Then, you must offer you rest your brain and relieving your muscles with a hot shower. The best time to go to sleep is always between 22: 30 and 11 p.m., although this does not prevent, for example, that one or twice a week we can lengthen a little more our time go to bed.

3. the electronic equipment

We all do it. How to avoid it? How not to check our mail, keep an eye on social networks, send messages or watch a movie on TV? It is commonplace. However, we must be very aware that the screens of our electronic devices sobreexcitan our brain with its electromagnetic waves, so it is necessary to maintain a balance.
Television will not cause us so many problems of sleep such as mobile, a tablet or laptop. The reason? In general, we establish a healthy distance, where our sight does not experience such stimulation. However, whatever it is, the most appropriate if we are to truly avoid insomnia is turn off all devices and take a book (but a paper book!).

4. do you eat at night?

Cenar en la noche
It is common that many people arrive home hungry after a long day's work, hence consistent dishes that the stomach is going to take much to digest is prepared. We have to think that it is the last part of the day, just Let's consume energy and all this is an 'extra' task that we give to our body at these times in which the only thing we are going to do is sleep.
Attempts to prepare light dishes, where proteins but that at the same time, they are easy to digest things are missing and light, fat-free. Soups, vegetables steamed, omega-3-rich fish and infusions always are very suitable. Be careful with pre-cooked meals: we all know that they are very easy and quick to prepare when we get home and have no desire to cook but, in general, their high rate of preservatives and refined flour makes enemies of our health and sleeplessness enhancers.

5. those concerns that are around in our head

Insomnio (2)
Stress, that anxiety accumulated during the day tends to emerge especially in the evenings, when we get into the bed and let ourselves be enveloped by the silence. Is displayed when that inner voice that reminds us of each of our concerns almost obsessive way. We began to turn to things without realizing that hours will happen without you get that good night's sleep.
We know that it is difficult, that manage the stress is not easy. However, it is necessary that you establish priorities and that the problems do not become the most important of your life. Relativizes, desahoga, take pesos for the day, and free goes to bed, no clouds in your head, without shadows that you clouding when you close your eyes.
Put these tips into practice and gradually beat your insomnia.
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