In addition to help us lose weight, the chia provides us energy, while it increases our strength and endurance and avoids the feeling of exhaustion

Is that the chia is originally from Mexico, because their civilizations consume it from before the conquest of America, since ya que la recolectaban it they gathered as a wild plant and turned it into a staple. After this, it was domesticated to kicking off the crop. However, not only they used it for food, also as an offering to the gods and oilseed to produce an oil base for body painting. This, in the long run, would that chia seed was of vital importance for the economy of pre-Columbian. But, why was it so important?
- Protein: 16 g per 100 g of seeds.
- Omega-3.
- Fiber: 38 g per 100 g of seeds.
- Vitamin E: antioxidant natural.
- Calcium. Ideal for the prevention of osteoporosis.
Composition of Chia seeds

Is for this reason that, in pre-Columbian cultures, the chia was a great food. For this reason, it becomes a very complete natural product which, as far as possible, must be entered into our diet food. But how can we do it?
Uses the Chia
Chia seeds, in general, they can be leveraged almost in any way, however share with you three ideal options to make it part of our daily lives.- Option #1 - soak the seeds in water, since this produces a gelatinous liquid tasteless. It may also be mixed with vegetable juices or essences.
- Option #2 - these seeds can also be dry and grind, resulting in a fine meal with flavor intense, known with the name of pinole. It can be prepared as a sweet.
- Option #3 - tender branches They are consumed as a vegetable, raw or cooked, and it can be used in salads.
Benefits of the chia

- Provides energy, increases the strength and endurance, i.e., help us to put an end to the exhaustion that leave our daily activities.
- Regulates glucose levels. By balancing the blood sugar not only reduces the risk of diabetes, we also guarantee constant energy during the day.
- Weight loss. Chia consumption controls the feeling of anxiety, allowing our satiety levels remain stable and, hence, we consume less "meals".
- Regulates digestion. By its high fiber content, hydrates the colon and facilitates the transit of food.
- It facilitates the growth and regeneration of tissues during the stage of gestation and lactation stage.
- Helps fight the signs of aging. Chia seeds will help maintain good health in general (due to its antioxidant content), by what there is more likely to reduce the signs of aging.
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