Mashed potatoes is one of the meals Superstars at special meetings with the family or friends. This dish so popular around the world has many variations in your recipe and goes very well with a lot of recipes that we can do on all occasions. Although at first glance this dish seems very easy to prepare, it is true that requires a good technique and some tricks to make it perfect and delicious.
Choose the type of appropriate Pope

Although at first glance not always notes the difference, should know that there are three different types of potato: starch, wax and multiple use. If what you want is a soft and creamy potato puree, potato starch, like red potatoes category you choose. Category potato starch breaks easily and this makes sure the puree is creamier. If you do not type of starch potato you can opt for multiple use.
Cut the potatoes into pieces of equal size
The potatoes of different sizes will cook at different speeds, therefore the largest parts will take over, while the smaller pieces will take less. The result of the pure will not be as good as when it is made with potatoes of equal sizes. Try to cut the potatoes into similar pieces so that all to cook in the same way and mash is a uniform consistency.Removes excess moisture

There are different ways to make sure that the mashed potatoes will result in a spongy, soft mass. One of many tricks is to drain potatoes well and return to the pot while the lid of the stove is hot. Cooking the potatoes a few minutes more and make sure that any excess moisture has evaporated. Excess moisture can make the mashed potatoes watery or soggy.
He used a potato rice or a potato masher
Avoid using a blender, a food processor or processor's hands. Starch is broken when it is mixed and is hit too much, resulting in a sticky mixture. Therefore, opt for tools such as a potato rice or a potato masher, which involve a bit more work, but giving the expected result.Do not mix much potatoes
Despite using a hand tool for mashing potatoes, it is important to avoid mixing them much when you add milk, cream or butter cream. Much beat the potatoes to incorporate them this additional ingredients also can ruin your mash. Best thing is to do it gently.Do not add cream or milk cold

When it comes to add cream or milk to mash, try these are hot so they can be easily absorbed by the potatoes, reducing the need for sobremezclarlo.
Do not add too much liquid
Although you can add cream of milk, milk, or mayonnaise, among other ingredients to mashed potatoes, avoid wet excess potatoes so that they are not watery. The only way to remedy this would be adding more potatoes.A little butter

The chefs recommend using half a pound of butter (200 g) for each pound of potatoes to achieve a balance between both ingredients. This perspective will help get a puree of potatoes, soft and delicious.
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