Tips to cure the flu quickly

Consejos para curarse de la gripe rĂ¡pidamente

It is one of the most common worldwide diseases, especially when winter arrives or there are changes in temperature. Fortunately, it is not necessary to stay in bed for a whole week, since there are options to quickly cure the flu. Check out the following tips.

First steps to cure the flu

  • Be vigilant you feel, even though it is slight, because that way it will be easier to cope with the disease, without allowing that spreads or becomes more dangerous. Before any reaction or signal of the body such as a chill, a little sore throat or dizziness, begin to reverse symptoms. This means not to wait to feel too wrong to treat the flu.
  • Keep the body warm, for more than sitting heat by fever, because this helps to eliminate the viruses that cause colds. The feet should also be well sheltered, because it is where more amount of blood circulates. I only wear stockings or leave them near heating.


  • Eating hot food, never something cold or ice cream because it can worsen the picture. In addition, it is necessary to stay hydrated, with double the water than you drink commonly, preferably at a temperature ambient. We must prevent that the water loss typical of influenza will bring major problems. Keep in mind that fever is a defense of the Agency, which through the heat, want to kill the virus.
  • Use clean tissue each time, since in this way, viruses do not have contact with the nose or mouth, nor eyes. In addition, it cannot spread to others. A good tip is to be away from people living with us, and if possible, sleep separate. Hours of sleep in case of flu should be more than usual, so that the body recovers.

8 home remedies for curing fast flu

  1. Inhale eucalyptus steam for 10 minutes at least twice a day, covering his head with a towel against a boiling saucepan.
  2. Drink chicken soup with onion and garlic, because it allows to decongest the respiratory tract.
  3. Drink tea of elderberry, because it alleviates the symptoms. Just need a spoonful of boiling elderberry per cup of water. Let it rest and consume up to three times a day.
  4. It ginger is one of the most effective remedies for the flu and sore muscles, also helps to relieve colds. Grating his dried root, add the juice of half a lemon and a common tea.
  5. Prepare a juice with 150 grams of cabbage and 150 grams of Orange. Both blend and drink at least twice daily.
  6. For nasal congestion, you can smell a crushed garlic wrapped in a tissue or gauze.
  7. Tea honey and propolis is also very good, not only for the cold but for sore throat.
  8. Onion syrup: in a stoneware Bowl place chopped large onion, two glasses of white wine, marinate 24 hours, strain, add honey and store in a glass jar. Take half cup in fasting, average morning, afternoon and before bedtime. Follow this treatment a week.
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