Symptoms of a possible cancer in women

We must pay attention to any changes that occur in our body. Early diagnosis is very important to begin treatment and beat the disease.
Síntomas de un posible cáncer en las mujeres
How many times we have recommended it and many have heard it at all health centres or in the campaigns carried out around the world, prevention is the best way to counteract this disease, already using some very simple and painless tests can detect it in time and thus prevent it spreading affecting other organs in our body.
In the case of to have one of these symptoms, I recommend you don't get scared, since this does not mean that you have the disease, simply this is a guide to warning signs that you are attentive and go immediately to your doctor visit, and he will order you some routine tests that can rule out doubts. In the case that the results are not satisfactory and positive, you should not despair. In that case you have to feel fortunate, since the disease was detected in time and thus you can make a treatment that very likely will be effective and the disease will be defeated.

Sudden loss of weight for no apparent reason

Having a weight loss important, without apparent reason, unless you've done diets or exercise to lose weight, is a cause for concern to visit immediately to your doctor, as this could be a sign of a possible cancer of the pancreas, stomach, esophagus, or lung.

Mouth sores that do not heal

If you suffer from frequent mouth ulcers on the lips and gums that also remain for more than three weeks you should go to see your doctor, since if it is true that these injuries are very common also should keep in mind that these disappear in two or three days. When injuries are slow to heal it indicates that there is a serious irritation mucous membranes mouth and they should without a doubt be treated.

Frequent episodes of fever

The vast majority of people who suffer from any type of cancer suffering fevers frequently, especially if this disease affects the immune system. It must be taken into account that all have an episode of fever at some point in life, only that the great problem lies in that are very frequent.

Too strong abdominal discomfort

The abdominal discomfort can be pain, swelling, bloating, changes in bowel habits like diarrhea and constipation frequent and no reason apparent, rectal bleeding, traces of dark blood in the stool. You must consult before any of these signs because you can treat cancer of the intestines.

Permanent cough

If you have permanent cough and that last longer than two weeks, independent that is a dry cough or expectoration, or if some stains of blood are present in phlegm or if the voice gets hoarse frequently, these may be signs of cancer in the lungs. So if you are suffering from any of these symptoms you should go immediately to the specialist.

Skin changes

If notice some color changes in the skin, some stains that were not previously, if any new moles or changes in those tapeworms, itching, formation of scabs or bleeding, any change that you discover in your skin has to be consulted with the dermatologist as soon as possible, since skin cancer can begin that way.


It Leukoplakia is an appearance of white spots in the mouth or on the tongue, which may be caused by frequent irritations which have been caused by infections or by cigarette or alcohol consumption, these injuries should be treated as soon as possible, otherwise it can trigger in oral cancer.

Sudden and unusual bleeding

Bleeding in the urine can be a bladder or kidney cancer , bleeding in the stool can be cancer of colon or intestines, bleeding in phlegm can be a sign of cancer in the lungs, abnormal vaginal bleeding is surely a sign of cancer in the uterus or in the neck of this.
Unexplained bleeding can be a sign of advanced cancer, but can also be just beginning, the most important recommendation and that you should keep in mind is go to the doctor to the most minimum suspected of a serious problem.

Thickening or lump in a breast

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These lesions may occur for different reasons, this is very important to see the specialist when we discover something abnormal in this area of the body, if it is cancer, this is curable if treated in time. The test to determine if us is this starting a breast cancer through mammography, this is a very simple test that does not produce pain and is carried out in five minutes, so there is no excuse for not having this test every year without fail.

How can we prevent cancer?

The most important thing that you should keep in mind to fight cancer is to follow a proper diet, which must be present always abundant fruits and vegetables, also do eat many products containing plenty of fiber, this promotes good digestion and prevents colon cancer. We must consume at least eight glasses of water a day, this way we will be helping our kidneys to work properly and avoid complications that can be as serious as a bladder or kidney cancer. If we went out walking so not doing Sun must apply plenty of sunscreen, this way we will avoid skin cancer.
Another way to prevent cancer in any part of the body is to pay attention to the signs described above, because to go to the doctor it practice exams and respective studies to determine what kind of injury we have and start practicing us a treatment that very likely will give the best results.
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