Home remedies for lowering cholesterol

To control cholesterol keep a diet low in fat and rich in fruits and vegetables, avoid fatty, fried foods and sauces foods and physical activity
Remedios caseros para reducir el colesterol
High levels of bad blood cholesterol can cause many health problems, the most common and serious are those related to the increase in the risk of heart disease and stroke.
The excess of total blood cholesterol leads to hardening of the arteries, therefore we have to be careful that these levels do not increase. It is also important to know that in nature there are varieties of plants and products that can help control cholesterol and triglycerides levels.

Home remedy with Guggul

The Guggul is a medicinal plant native to the India, there has been used traditionally for centuries to lower levels of cholesterol and triglycerides in blood, helping to significantly improve the relationship between the good and the bad cholesterol . Similarly, some researchers say that guggul has the ability to reduce the hepatic production of triglycerides.

Home remedy with oatmeal

The oatmeal is a cereal with great properties for the body because it helps the patients sick of cholesterol and triglycerides to keep them controlled. Its great effect is due to the large amount of soluble fiber containing, according to the statements of experts in food, this food contains Beta-glucans and polysaccharides which possess valuable properties natural anti-carcinogenic, for this reason it is considered one of food more important that may be recommended as a natural and effective remedy to treat a large number of diseases.

Home remedies with fenugreek

The fenugreek/fenugreek is a medicinal herb that originated in southern Europe and Asia, It was used for centuries as a natural and effective remedy to reduce and control high triglycerides levels, being used dried beans of this plant to reduce the absorption of triglycerides in the intestine.
Similarly, the best way of controlling these levels of cholesterol and triglycerides is maintaining a diet low in fat and having physical activity all day; It should also eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, as well as from water, but most importantly, avoid fatty foods, fried foods and sauces, as well as also the so-called «fast food», which contain saturated fats contributing to increase cholesterol levels and weight of uncontrollable way.
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