How is a house or room too much Yang?
• Who is receiving light or heat all day. Live near factories or laying electrical turn your home into Yang automatically.
• To listen to loud music constantly.
• To spend virtually all day in a particular room without letting it rest given excess of Yang.
• The presence only of warm as creams, reds, Orange and yellow colors. And white are also considered yang, so should not be abused.
• Having many lamps, candles or elements which give lots of light.
• That is of aerated with windows all day open.
• Having many plants.
• Insert cool colors such as blue, black, silver or grey shades. Painting the walls of those colors or introducing decorative elements that have them.
• Avoid too much noise or create soothing music.
• Introduce water in decoration in glasses, bowls, aquariums or what you can think of. Try to always be clean water, which if you want you can color blue. Better still if it is not running but spring.
• You can put pictures that have painted rivers, lakes or represent sunsets.
• Do not move with the plants.
• Fill in those places that are too empty or have lots of space.
How is a house or room too Yin?
• Places who do not receive too much light, especially the Interior.
• An exceedingly silent House or inhabited rarely.
• Live near places associated with death.
• Absolute presence of cold or dark shades of blue, gray and black colors.
• Little airy.
• Places very narrow and full of things.
• Introducing warm colors as the colors red, Orange, yellow, creams and golds... Painting the walls of those colors or introducing decorative elements that have them.
• Place upbeat music such as Latin rhythms.
• Insert the element fire in the form of candles during much of the time.
• Place lamps lit in places that are very dark.
• Insert pictures that are of the indicated colors, or representing sunrises.
• Locate mobile or bells on the roof.
• Often aerating the House or room.
• Introduces elements representing the Earth as quartz or any other mineral.
• Try to make space and get rid of old stuff that are clogging.
• Insert plants.
The guidelines to orientate the Chi
There are several schools that use certain formulas to achieve that our House promotes a harmonious Chi in Feng Shui. Today we will talk about the compass school.
This school uses a series of very specific formulas to apply through a compass and discover what our guidelines or directions of our building, rooms, furniture,... etc. favourable and which are not. There are a few formulas that tell us which addresses are appropriate at a personal level, and others that speak to us, through some very complex tables, which addresses are the favoured throughout the year.
Here we will learn how to calculate your favorable and unfavorable global addresses are and what should we do based on them.
In this sense must start by taking into account that the Feng Shui uses basically the eight possible directions (N, NO, NE, S, OS, SE, E, O) corresponding to the eight triagramas of the I-Ching. To locate these addresses and clarify regarding your House, has created the so-called magic square or Lo Shu grid, which you will serve as a template.
Well, the first thing we have to do then is to discover what are our personal addresses. To do this we will do a few calculations that will place a number called Kua. Based on this number, we will see if we belong to the Western Group or the Eastern Group, and depending on the group will finally see our directions.
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