The functions of cholesterol are multiple, it is the precursor in the synthesis of important molecules: bile acids (synthesized by the liver and is the main catabolic route of cholesterol), hormones of the adrenal glands, sexual hormones (estrogens and androgens) and vitamin D, the only vitamin that can be synthesized by the organism. Cholesterol is synthesized by the liver (75%) and only (25%) remaining is provided by the diet.
More cholesterol-rich foods are meat and meat products and dairy products.
Healthy living to reduce cholesterol
To be transported in the blood cholesterol joins some lipoproteins. Lipoproteins are different and have different functions.-LDL (Low Density Lipoproteins).
-HDL (High Density Lipoproteins).
The LDL-cholesterolare those that carry higher proportion, are very influenced by the diet (saturated fats do to increase their number) and they exert a harmful action, are atherogenic. The LDL-cholesterol go to deposit cholesterol on the walls of the arteries.
The HDL-cholesterol, have a protective action against these diseases, removes cholesterol from the arteries leads to the liver that is used in the synthesis of bile acids and is subsequently excreted.
It is fit for different experiences that:
Saturated fats are more harmful than the same cholesterol, since it increases the concentration of LDL lipoproteins. Conversely, unsaturated fats, decrease LDL and provide no cholesterol.
That we should control and reduce cholesterol is associated with LDL, low density lipoprotein, which has to be deposited on the walls of the blood vessels constituting a trigger for cardiovascular diseases.
There are foods that contain plant sterols which are beneficial to combat cholesterol. These sterols are molecules of type plant steroids that have functions similar to the cholesterol.
In the following videos show you how plant sterols lower cholesterol and how this type of functional foods in which its mission is the reduction of cholesterol:
It Barley Oats and other whole grains, legumes, eggplant or nuts are some of the foods considered "anti-cholesterol"
The excess, defined as hypercholesterolemia, cholesterol is well known for its coronary health and problems as a risk factor for heart attack and stroke, among other vascular episodes. Messages for the prevention of this disorder are directed more to disseminate contraindicated foods, consumption of which regular increases plasma levels of cholesterol. The necessary positive message is to promote Allied foods that help control it by its chemical composition and function of ordinary consumption in a specified amount.
A list prepared by the Harvard Medical School includes ten foods considered to be the most effective to help lower cholesterol. Part of it from nuts and oily fish to other less-recognized as the eggplant, oats, okra foods and some fruits. The Spanish Heart Foundation contributes in the formative and informative field with the publication online of two weeks of menus suitable for those who have high cholesterol. Food "allies", combined with the rest of those who comprise the diet should be present in the different meals each day.
Ten food "anti-cholesterol"
Oats, barley and other whole grains, legumes, Eggplant and okra, dried fruits, vegetable oils (olive oil you could highlight), fruits such as apples, grapes, strawberries and citrus, soy, fish fat and, if necessary, foods enriched with sterols and stanols, and fiber supplements are included in the list of foodstuffs "anti-cholesterol". The greatest interest for the consumer is to know the modes by which they are able to reduce plasmatic cholesterol and, at the same time, learn ways to consume them, in order to integrate them on a regular basis in the daily menus and food components.
The oats. Combines a set of substances whose effect has been shown the reduction of plasma cholesterol rates in its composition: unsaturated fats (not too much, but of good quality, as the essential fatty acid linoleic), avenasterol, fiber and lecithin. The avenasterol is a phytosterol with ability to reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the intestine, as well as lecithin.
Ideas to consume oats: is the traditional way of eating oatmeal flakes, mixed with fruit, milk or yogurt. Oat flakes are also used to thicken soups and creams and give flavor and consistency to vegetable soup.
The barley. The barley shares with oats their wealth in a type of soluble fiber beta-glucans, which have proven to be effective in reducing the LDL cholesterol, the harmful. The effects of cholesterol-lowering the consumption of oats or barley as food have been little evaluated; Yes, it is most studied the effect of betaglukane concentrates. New research focuses on the tocotrienol, a form of vitamin E with powerful antioxidant effect located in shells of the grains of barley, oats and rice, in this latest whole grain cereal, is more abundant. Clinical trials with both compounds have been in the form of dietary, not as food, while regular consumers of brown rice, oatmeal and whole wheat bread or bran, will benefit from these effects.
Ideas of dishes with barley: grain barley can it be the same culinary treatment which to rice, even if it costs you more cooking. Some proposals to try this healthy grain are a stew of vegetables sautéed with barleysalad with wild rice, Zucchini and tuna or soup with lentils.
The legumes. Some phytochemicals of legumes are involved directly in the reduction of serum cholesterol and the prevention of the formation of the layer of atheroma which degenerates in cardiovascular disease. Lectins favour the transport of blood cholesterol and your metabolism and thus reducing the risk of accumulation in the walls of the arteries. Saponins reduce the absorption of cholesterol in the digestive tract, so its contribution is also beneficial. In addition, vegetables have fiber and isoflavones with positive effects shown in the Dyslipidemia.
Ideas for eating vegetables: salad, soups, creams, in the form of vegetable pate as hummus made with chickpeas, meat or fish lining.
The eggplant, okra, and fruits such as apples, grapes, strawberries and citrus fruits. The effect cholesterol of these vegetables is due in part to its contribution of fiber, a compound that limits and delayed intestinal cholesterol absorption, favoring the mixing with bile acids and that the Assembly is removed by Lee. Okra is a little or not at all known in our environment, which stands out for its rich in soluble fiber and mucilage. It is eaten raw in salad, cooked or dried.
Nuts, particularly walnuts. Nuts are an interesting contribution of alpha-linolenic acid, which the body transforms into omega-3 fatty acids and also contains phytosterols, both recognized for his role in the reduction of cholesterol.
Ideas for eating nuts daily: in addition to eating a handful of nuts every day (4-6 units), there are other ways palatable to incorporate and toggle nuts to the diet: add them to salads, rice, pasta and Couscous dishes, try creams spread nuts (peanut, hazelnut, sesame seeds), prepare sweets and desserts that take them (biscuits (, muffins, stewed fruit).
Vegetable oils, notably olive oil. The latter is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (oleic acid), vitamin E and phytosterols, all cardioprotective compounds.
Healthy idea: in the pantry always have a bottle of extra virgin olive oil of higher nutritional quality type oil, and use a little each day for dressing salads and vegetables, accompany the toasted bread for breakfast, etc.
The soybean. Regular consumption of soy as legume (or oil) provides a significant amount of grease of high nutritional quality - linoleic acid and oleic-, lecithin and isoflavones with benefits derived for the organism for its reducing effectiveness of serum cholesterol. Isoflavones, particularly genistein, one of the most abundant in soybean, proved to exert an inhibitory action of platelet aggregation and antioxidant activity of the high density lipoprotein (LDL), which helps in the reduction of plasma cholesterol.
Ideas to consume it: soya beans can be prepared boiled or stewed, as any legume. From this multitude of derivatives as outbreaks in sprouts of soybeans, soy drink, tofu, tempeh, the tamari or soy sauce, the seitan - which by its appearance is known as "vegetable meat" - are obtained or the miso or paste fermented, made with soybeans and that gives flavor and body to soups and creams.
Fish fat. Blue fish have average about 10 g of fat rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids of the omega-3 series, such as DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosahexaenoico), recognized for its ability to decrease plasma triglycerides, increase arterial vasodilation, reduce the risk of thrombosis and blood pressure. All of these effects are postulated as the protectors of cardiovascular diseases. However, their effect on LDL-cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol levels depends on the type of patient and their initial cholesterol levels.
Ideas for eating omega-3: expert nutritionists advise consumption of fresh oily fish two to three times per week, 140 g per serving per person per day. The presence in the weekly menus of oily fish such as sardines, anchovies or anchovy, tuna, bonito, salmon, mackerel, horse mackerel is a must.
Fortified foods or dietary supplements with sterols and stanols and fiber can be seen as contributing dietary treatment for hypercholesterolemia limit control or low-moderate (between 200 and 249 mg/dl), always optional advice. It is important to know that by taking them not always resolve the problem and that periodic analytical should be to check the evolution of Dyslipidemia.One of these functional foods are the range of Flora Pro.Activproducts. Such products are a great addition to our diet healthy and balanced, it is important to know that this type of food, its effect is not recommended for pregnant women or children since the cholesterol at a healthy level, is an essential component in these situations for the construction of fundamental tissues and growth hormones.
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