Disorders and bodily discomfort, metabolic dysfunctions, deep organic lesions, pain, acute and chronic, degenerative diseases, energy blockages, nerve, and muscle tension States of emotional perturbation, depression, and lack of vitality, nervousness, insomnia and stress in its various manifestations. Even diseases serious, such as the various types of cancer, AIDS and other manifestations of immunosuppression, burns...
Virtually all the field of Pathology human and veterinary responds positively to the Reiki healing. Allergies and intolerances, asthma and other psycho-somatic manifestations can relieve and cure for its harmonizing action on the immune system. Endocrine disorders, such as diabetes, will regularize progressively allowing a decrease of hormonal therapies. In case of traumatic injury, such as a fracture, for example, Reiki accelerates the process of consolidation, stimulating organic feedback forces. Wounds heal faster, extended and serious burns can heal without infection and leave unsightly scars. Cancer patients treated with chemotherapy and radiotherapy noticeable relief and even disappearance of side effects and sequels, experiencing a stimulating vitality in general and the immunological defenses in particular.
Contraindications of Reiki
There are no contraindications or negative side effects, overdose is not possible because the process is self-regulating and is limited to the receptive capacity of absorption of the patient. It also provides an invaluable aid in the field of environmental balance. helping to restore harmony in traumatic and conflictive situations, such as family and professional relationshipsA disciple asked his master how to improve your healing work. The master replied: "your healing is one of the more delicate dimensions. The sensitivity is that the healer do nothing. The healer is not really healing because it is not the cure. Healing happens through it. You only have to cancel you, disappear. Be healing really means a State of not-being. Less are, better healing occurs. The more are more locks channel. God, or the absolute, or whatever name you prefer, is the healer... Healing means to be assembled with the all... Being a healer is just a function. It is God, the whole... If you want to really be a healer you have to accept your emptiness, this will be your work: become more and more empty yourself. When you empty, disappear on the one hand, and, on the other, God penetrates. It occupies the space occupied by the ego... This is the whole problem and all the art of healing, how to cancel you, how to transform you into a vacuum."
Within the phenomenon of genuine healing the famous Zen Hayku is very clear: "Sitting quietly, doing nothing, the grass grows by itself and becomes the spring."
The application of Reiki is very simple and natural. A session can last an hour or more depending on the needs and availability of the patient. There are also rapid techniques for ten to fifteen minutes for emergency situations, like accidents, trauma, or acute emotional States. Whether for lack of time the person may not receive the full session regardless, minutes away from Reiki always help. Mrs. Takata used to say: "Better a little bit of Reiki that nothing."
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