While it is not widespread as in relation to food, flaxseed crop has a variety of purposesUsed the stem fibers to make fabrics specific varieties and seeds are concentrating their uses in food and feed, as well as in inks and paints industry It is called "functional foods" and that beyond the usual nutritional effects, has beneficial effects on several aggregate functions of the body, and reduces the risk of disease. One of the many findings at our fingertips ...
consists in a greater proportion of oil: polyunsaturated fatty acids - Omega 3 (75%) in relation to Omega 6 fatty acids (25%) also has protein, fiber, and carbohydrate mucilage. Besides vitamin E, B vitamins, iodine, zinc, iron, carotene, magnesium, calcium, sulfur, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, silicon, copper, nickel, molybdenum, chromium and cobalt, and some useful enzymes that help digestion other foods. The oil content of flaxseed is one of the largest plants of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids called Omega-3
"essential" because our body needs to incorporate them directly into the intake because it lacks the capacity to manufacture them from other foods. From him, the human body is capable of producing what is known as eicosapentaenoic (EPA), important for the body, and decreasing the adhesion ability of platelets in the blood, decreasing the tendency to coagulate and thus to reduction of thrombosis (formation of clots inside blood vessels). So help maintain good blood circulation, regulate cholesterol levels, reduce platelet aggregation, a phenomenon which leads to increased clot formation and increases the risk of suffering a heart attack. Omega 3 also have a beneficial effect in rheumatic processes, arthritis and arthrosis. It also acts particularly in the rapid movement of cells or transmission of impulses as the retinal nerve cells and allowing the smooth development of the nervous baby during pregnancy and lactation. Of edible oils, omega 3 is not all: the sunflower is not common, and soy in small quantities. CABALA fish like salmon, tuna, among others, also have a lot of concentration but they are frequently consumed in the diet for various reasons. Like other nuts and seeds, flax is rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber, mucilage, an herbal substance that increases the viscosity of the small intestine content helps prevent heart disease by lowering cholesterol and protecting the entire tract digestive tract as it leads to the use and creation of many other essential nutrients. It is very useful as a regulator of intestinal transit in both constipation and diarrhea in. Avoid the introduction of bacteria through the mucous membrane, destroys the toxins that accumulate in the colon and stabilize blood sugar concentrations. Flax seeds contain significant amounts of anticancer agents: the lignans (flax in the oil not only in the seeds) are found in most plants are rich in fiber, but the seeds of flax are the main sources of this substance. They are a natural plant chemical content in the matrix of flax seed and as hormones in plants. When bacteria in the digestive tract act on these lignans are converted into potent hormone-like substances known as fitroestrogénicos compounds. The benefits of eating foods high in lignans translate into lower incidence of cancers of breast, colon and prostate. These hormones act by mimicking the body's estrogen and block the formation of tumors based on hormones or growth. The lignans are also considered antioxidants may protect cells from cancer-causing agents. to top In summary ... The wealth of flax seed is concentrated on its antioxidant properties, protecting the heart, antitrombogénica, regulating cholesterol levels and anticancer (tumors of the breast, colon and prostate). Have a beneficial effect in rheumatic processes, arthritis, arthrosis. It is also extremely useful as regulators of intestinal transit in both constipation and diarrhea in. Acts particularly in the rapid movement of cells or transmission of impulses as the retinal nerve cells and allowing the smooth development of the nervous baby during pregnancy and lactation.
Uses of flax
To take advantage of all the qualities of the linen, we consume the whole seed or ground soaked in the moment. Remember that the seeds have a high percentage of calories and protein which must be eaten sparingly. Its flavor is soft and mixed with other food andalusia reminiscent of walnuts. We find indutriales bakery flax seed cookies or that can be added to a mixed with breakfast cereals, yogurt, fruit salad, compote, hot dishes: rice or noodles together, in sauces, in salads, vegetables added alone or mixed with other seeds such as sunflower or sesame. They can also be included, after soaking in water before being mixed with flour in masses, to produce bread, biscuitsor cookies. That way we get more nutritious preparations with a multivitamin and mineral supply.
Some facts to consider when cooking with ground flax:
- Due to its high oil content, can replace a proportion of fat in recipes. Bakery products with milled flax darken more than those with just adding oil.
- The addition of flax can be a lot of baked product of reduced volume. In the bakery industry will add gluten to counterbalance that effect.
- When adding flax preparations, add more fluid.
Flax oil that could be used is one that meets the following features: the seeds must be organic, preferably from cooler areas of the country (south of the province of Buenos Aires, among other areas), extraction in cold unrefined, packaged in dark glass containers and stored in the refrigerator because heat has, during the formation of oil within the seed, a negative influence on the percentage of Omega 3. This is important because the polyunsaturated fatty acids are very sensitive to heat, as we have said, (and therefore are not suitable for frying), but also are sensitive to light and air, with the consequent destruction of Vitamin E , excellent natural antioxidant and oil rancidity, bitter taste and unpleasant odor, no beneficial effects on health. Because of this, and today, the Argentine Food Code does not allow marketing of flax oil, but use of the seeds.
Including foods rich in Omega 3 and flax seed in our diet, along with a balanced diet, promoting a well-functioning cell and incorporate "a veritable treasure of nature in our body.
About Good Eating and Health
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