Garlic is not only one of the main ingredients of many dishes: far from being a mere culinary spice, it is also a natural product of multiple applications. One of the elements that give it its great healing power is the sulfur, present in the human body in hair, skin and nails.
Garlic can equal the quality of vasodilator in the bloodstream, which prevents clots forming which can lead to thrombosis, angina pectoris or myocardial infarction.
See below for a good recipe rich in garlic, which gets a healthy and delicious pâté. Ingredients: 1 avocado 5 cloves garlic, minced a pinch of salt Empty bone and avocado. Subsequently, smash it with the help of a fork or a hand mortar. Add to the ingredients five cloves of garlic finely chopped and a pinch of salt: For vitamin C, present in the avocado, will not rust and can darken the product, are advised to consume the pâté immediately or add to the meal a few drops of lemon juice.
Take garlic promotes the secretion of stomach juices and, therefore, eases digestion. Its antiseptic and antibiotic action is also noted in the intestinal flora, protecting and controlling many diseases of the digestive system.
The medicinal action of garlic is not only limited to the digestive and circulatory system, respiratory system also benefits from its consumption. Thanks to its chest, relieves cough and facilitates the removal processes that accompany colds and bronchial ailments. Garlic not only reduces blood sugar levels, but increases those of insulin.
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